
Showing posts from November, 2023

Mood Board Project

  Death is Forever After learning what mood boards are I have been set the task to create one myself. I've decided to center my mood board around the horror genre with the theme being centered around death. To specify the broad theme about death my theme is how death is forever and is impossible to reverse. Now seeing as it is a movie it's possible many views can be takin on this topic despite my attempt for them to view it in a certain way but I hope with this movie can be centered around the dark topic of death while still being centered on the more in depth theme I've decided on. This theme has caught my interest after my many times seeing characters in movies trying to interact with spirits of dead people. The idea of people grieving so much they would do anything to resurrect the ones they love is very interesting and I believe that portraying the worst outcome of that idea would be even more interesting. Having one try to bargain to resurrect the ones they love after

Sound Project

 Sound, or the lack of it can add so much to a scene of a film. Sound can amplify feelings felt in the scene as well as help the viewer get a better understanding of the scene and it's purpose in a story. This is also applies to the lack of sound as no sound can cast certain views, give perspectives, create the atmosphere for a scene etc. All forms of sound whether it be diegetic, non-diegetic, part of the soundtrack, background music, ambient noise, etc., play important roles of giving the scenes they're used in a more purposeful meaning. It wasn't difficult to come up with sound ideas for a story with no visuals as sounds are a essential part to portraying a scene so coming up with the sounds of a story naturally came to mind as we imagined the story unfolding. Once figuring out the different parts of the story it was easy to imagine the sounds that could be used to portray the scene. I think we were able to create a sound story that the audience would be able to understa