
Showing posts from September, 2023

CS Comments Blog

  James Metts Over The Shoulder High Angle POV Shot Salvador Clemente Close Up Extreme Close-Up For my camera shot comments I decided to choose these 2 students to review their camera shots. From what I can gather from the images shown they used appropriate camera shots and angles when it came down to describing them. As for the shots themselves, all them portray the image they were trying to capture in these shots very well. For example in James's over the shoulder helps just capture a good view of him while we look at the other persons back, this allows us to focus on just him at the moment compared to the other person. Or how in Salvador's extreme close up it captures a close, detailed view of her eyes. Overall I liked both of their shots and from what I can tell they did a very well job at portraying a certain idea through just 1 shot. These shots show that both of them have a good understanding of some of the many camera shots/angles and they both know how to use them to p

Personal Camera Shots & Angles

Over the past week... I have spent much time dedicated to learning the many camera angles and shots that are displayed in film when recording. Some of these include Wide/Mid/Close Shots, Aerial Shots, Single/Two/Three/etc. shots, high/low angles, the list goes on. I even analyzed some of these shots in certain movie clips I found the I even made a blog post about. After all this time spent learning the many shots and angles(S&A) I started to apply the knowledge and take pictures using these S&A.  As seen in the many shots taken by me and my partner we both used our knowledge of S&A to create photos using them. For example in the first picture we were able to capture a over the shoulder/ots shot capturing his back to the camera and my face over his shoulder. Or how we captured a two shot in the second with me and him both in the same frame. Even how in the third image I captured my partner at a high angle. We took more photos including other S&A but that’s a bit much to