Personal Camera Shots & Angles

Over the past week...

I have spent much time dedicated to learning the many camera angles and shots that are displayed in film when recording. Some of these include Wide/Mid/Close Shots, Aerial Shots, Single/Two/Three/etc. shots, high/low angles, the list goes on. I even analyzed some of these shots in certain movie clips I found the I even made a blog post about. After all this time spent learning the many shots and angles(S&A) I started to apply the knowledge and take pictures using these S&A. 

As seen in the many shots taken by me and my partner we both used our knowledge of S&A to create photos using them. For example in the first picture we were able to capture a over the shoulder/ots shot capturing his back to the camera and my face over his shoulder. Or how we captured a two shot in the second with me and him both in the same frame. Even how in the third image I captured my partner at a high angle. We took more photos including other S&A but that’s a bit much to include all them here. Overall doing this helped better my understanding of how to capture these shots and how they are framed within a camera.


  1. I really like these shots. All of the shots are precise and convey the feelings and meanings that they are supposed to. For example, the over the shoulder shot. I can definitely see this shot being used as a dialogue scene in a film.


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