
Showing posts from January, 2024

Movie Opener Mood Board

  Above is the mood board to my movie opener. If I were to describe what mood I tried capturing, it would be light and dark, night and day, etc. This idea is portrayed through the background color being split between a bright yellow symbolizing the light, and the black symbolizing the dark. This background color also serves the purpose of showing the type of lighting that will be displayed throughout the movie. The text also try to capture this idea with how they are colored and positioned within the frame of the background colors. Moreover to the actual images it's very simple what they are meant to portray, the bottom right ones being the setting, the top right describing the main character and their costume and the notebook and paper serving as props. This mood board is rather simple which plays further into the simpler lifestyle of the main character and overall I tried to capture every idea I have about the movie and some new ones even developed from making this.

Final Project Idea

  The Peace, and QUIET This title is what i've decided my movie to be based around. This movie will be centered around the genres musical drama, and psychological horror. This movie will display the bipolar happiness and suffering of the main character (yet to come up with a name). The story of the movie follows the main character and his positive/negative attitude towards being deaf, the movie opener however will likely focus more on this positive side and give sly hints to the negative side. The main character as stated will be deaf and will be portrayed this way both through their costuming and the use of special effects to represent their emotions, reactions, etc. This character will likely be the only character of the movie opener and the setting of the movie will be areas in my neighborhood as well as other areas I have everyday access to like school, or parks. These areas will portray the characters more basic lifestyle so they are more relatable to the viewer. This is curre

Movie Opener Brainstorming

 MO 1: RISE Watching this movie opener gave me a upbeat and immense energy feeling that was created through both the dynamic style of editing the close ups of the ball and player and the music used. It also caught my interest when the music would cut in when focusing on the player and out when not further placing me in the player's shoes. Ending off with a climatic end this movie opener establishes a fast upbeat energy with a plot that is yet to be discovered. MO 2: Dear Lover This movie opener starts with a calm peaceful demeanor before slowly leading into the more darker parts of the plot. Using background music as well as the tone of the characters helps tell the love story in a way that portrays both the sad and happy parts of the film. Once again the film cuts as the story is about to progress further identifying this as a movie opener. MO 3: Dare to Thrill The use of many characters and hyperactive music helps drill in the fast pace narrative at the start of the opener. After