Movie Opener Brainstorming


Watching this movie opener gave me a upbeat and immense energy feeling that was created through both the dynamic style of editing the close ups of the ball and player and the music used. It also caught my interest when the music would cut in when focusing on the player and out when not further placing me in the player's shoes. Ending off with a climatic end this movie opener establishes a fast upbeat energy with a plot that is yet to be discovered.

MO 2: Dear Lover

This movie opener starts with a calm peaceful demeanor before slowly leading into the more darker parts of the plot. Using background music as well as the tone of the characters helps tell the love story in a way that portrays both the sad and happy parts of the film. Once again the film cuts as the story is about to progress further identifying this as a movie opener.

MO 3: Dare to Thrill

The use of many characters and hyperactive music helps drill in the fast pace narrative at the start of the opener. After the crew get in the car this narrative is further pushed until they hit the speed bump and realize the horrifying thing in the car which is kept a mystery to further push this as a movie opener.

MO 4: Always Watching

Watching this made me feel slight discomfort from the odd nature of the main character, how he acted to the other characters, and the music used to further instill this discomfort. The abrupt cut at the end could've been transitioned out better but it gets the job of separating the entire movie from the opener done.

MO 5: White Coat

Using dark lighting, ominous music, mysterious imagery, changes in focus, etc. creates the dark, creepy and ominous feeling this movie opener wants to give off. The clothing of the doctor and patient and the focus on the unknown substance set this movie opener out from the others by sheer difference in production.


Overall after reviewing these movie openers I've gathered that most of my effort should be put into making this film a opener and not an entire short film. Establishing some ideas then cutting off before the plot thickens is how I can achieve this goal with ease. As for ideas, something dealing with music, changing circumstances(like moving into a new home), or lonesomeness are just some ideas I came up with while trying to visualize my movie opener.


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