Main Character: Isaiah


My main character is a 15 y/o guy named Isaiah, he is a deaf person who likes to write, wether it be about his day, his personal life or something else, he carries a notebook with him to write with. Though he is not able to hear any music he wears headphones not only to stoke his imagination of what it's like to hear but also because he likes the wear them to usually signify his deaf status. He's usually a nice person but he has a bipolar nature and usually flips into a more violent & malevolent behavior when alone or even in some cases around others. This further isolates him from others which doesn't bother him but when he's in this anger filled state he is bothered by the fact that he is deaf.

This character i've created is mostly from my imagination, most features like his age and other physical features are just based on my own personal features since I will play the role of Isaiah. Other features like his deafness and bipolar nature are things i've come up with purely from my imagination. Traits like these peeked my interest when coming up with a movie opener so I designed a character around these traits & ideas. Since the movie will be centered around Isaiah I wanted to create a character that would be interestingly unique as to capture the audience.


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