Coloring In Film

 Coloring is a fundamental part, playing in my movie opener. Not only do the actual colors play a role, the brightness of them and their vibrance also help with the scenery of the film. The film includes many colors like yellow, green, & brown signifying a sense of safety, calmness, or serenity to the areas the movie will take place in. Most of these vibrant colors are naturally found in nature but also some colors are made to pop out more than others from editing. In the later half of the film most of the colors switch from being bright & vibrant, to more dark & dim colors to portray the change in mood from happy & colorful, to more a more uneasy feeling.

Color is also used to display Isaiah's character without words. The contrast of white & black in his clothing not only helps Isaiah stand out from the background, but also show the inner side of his personality. Color has many uses in my film & I hope to capture a good set of colors while simultaneously using them to my advantage when filming.


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