Editing Film (1)

 For editing I have decided to use a combination of Alight Motion and CapCut due to having prior experience editing videos on these apps. Most effects, transitions, and the main overall video will be made on alight while the audio will be edited on CapCut since it's easier to alter & control the audio then it is on alight. Once finished the audio will be transferred from CapCut to Alight then be near perfectly lined up with the main video, creating synchronous sound. Now while this solves the issue of manipulating the sound to fit the film, it also creates the issue of matching the edited audio to the main video of the film as to be synchronous. However a simple solution to this is to simply import parts of the video into CapCut to match them with the video.

Editing Film on Alight Motion

As for effects & transitions, most of them are simple in nature not only to help keep the calm, simple nature of the film but to also help focus on other aspects of the film that need to be touched on. The film will still have some important effects, like popping video graphics, & some fade transitions, but will also include some basic cuts, and not to many extravagant visual effects. Most of these will be added into the film on Alight Motion since they have such a wide array of them & them being simple in nature.

Editing Audio on CapCut


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