Finished Project Feelings

 Now that the project is finished I don't feel disappointed or ecstatic, but somewhat in the middle as while I feel I tried hard, I felt I could do a bit better under different circumstances. While filming I found positioning the camera, then placing myself in the correct location of the frame to be quite tedious. This combined with the fact I had no cameraman to help work with me made this a difficult task to perform & get correct. This combined with the fact that I lacked access to the locations I liked to film in made getting the film I needed to edit more difficult than one would imagine. While the story remained the same, most scenes were recorded at slightly different times of day which affected the lighting a bit in ways I wish I could've controlled. Those were the main issues I faced while trying to gather the film needed for the 2 minute movie opener.

Though this task was difficult it helped me learn more about filming such as the positioning of a camera. Struggling with the camera position in turn, taught me more about how to position a frame which helped me overtime with the filming. This learning process also was enhanced once I used ideas I learned in class such as using certain colors or lighting for film, or setting up costuming & setting for recording. Overall I learned how to incorporate these elements within my film while simultaneously learning more about how it works.


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