Lighting In Film

 For the lighting, I've decided to go natural & use a bright sunny day as most of my lighting. This use of the sun for natural light not only makes the film feel more natural, the type of bright lighting can also signify the peace & serenity. This is they type of mood I want to capture so using the sun's natural light only makes sense to use it for most of the film when portraying the light side of Isaiah. This lighting was edited a little though to help bring out more vibrance within the film.

Use of Natural Light

This type of lighting isn't present throughout the entire film as both through weather conditions, & editing, the ladder half of the film features a darker more ominous lighting. This portion of the movie opener portraying the darker side of Isaiah being barely lit helps the viewer catch on with ideas being portrayed without speaking no words. Though I have no current footage from this section, i've heavily prepared for it and I hope these efforts will be shown in the finished product.

Preparatory Lighting
(NOTE: The image shown with the effects will NOT be used in the Movie Opener Film)


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