Sounds Of The Film

Being a film portraying a deaf character, sound is one of the key elements in my film. Capturing Isaiah with the audio of the film while also keeping the viewers attention on the world around him, is probably one of the most difficult tasks i've assigned myself when it comes to this opener. To somewhat minimize this problem most diegetic sound is from the perspective of Isaiah through a muffled version of the regular sounds heard in the film. For reference of what i'm trying to achieve, i've decided to take a recording of a section in the Spider-Man 2 video game where the player takes the role of a deaf girl named Hailey. This section of the game was a major influence in the entire film so its only sensible to try and use it as a reference for how the audio should sound.

^Link to gameplay of the deaf section of the game^

For a somewhat non-diegetic somewhat diegetic sound i've chosen a song from the Super Mario Galaxy soundtrack (from a non-copyright channel) titled 'Comet Observatory 3'. This was the song I originally conceived of using for the film before I even started recording. This song will play once Isaiah puts on his headphones & will be used synchronously with his actions. NOTE: Though this sound starts around when Isaiah puts his headphones on, the sound still exist outside the film as the headphones serve more of an idle prop role than an actual musical role.

^Link to song 'Comet Observatory 3'^


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