
Finished Project

 Movie Opener

Finished Project Feelings

 Now that the project is finished I don't feel disappointed or ecstatic, but somewhat in the middle as while I feel I tried hard, I felt I could do a bit better under different circumstances. While filming I found positioning the camera, then placing myself in the correct location of the frame to be quite tedious. This combined with the fact I had no cameraman to help work with me made this a difficult task to perform & get correct. This combined with the fact that I lacked access to the locations I liked to film in made getting the film I needed to edit more difficult than one would imagine. While the story remained the same, most scenes were recorded at slightly different times of day which affected the lighting a bit in ways I wish I could've controlled. Those were the main issues I faced while trying to gather the film needed for the 2 minute movie opener. Though this task was difficult it helped me learn more about filming such as the positioning of a camera. Strugglin

Editing Film (2)

 Editing the film has changed much from the original editing post, most notably in the film recorded itself. All the film has been added, cuts have been made to the film, video grahics & text have been added, for the most part editing the film is complete, it just requires some polishing on the timing to the music but other than that the film can be considered done. I would've liked to add more videographics but they felt a little to much when it came down to it so I cut most of them out and even then they still feel a bit much but they also feel like enough to serve their purpose. For the most part editing the film was more tedious then it was difficult since most of it was just matching the film recorded to the audio clip of the music, cutting out a lot of excess film to capture just the important moments was a little exhausting but not to terribly bad. Adding Video Graphics Adding Text w/ Fade Effect Splitting & Compiling Split Layers of Film

Updated Storyboard

 Most that were made towards the storyboard were mainly on the fly. For the most part I made changes toward the film that I came up with during filming that I thought were better or felt better placed than the original ideas I came up with. An example would be how I changed my the close up of Isaiah writing to be him sitting on grass instead of a chair & placing this moment later on in the film. Simple changes to the original ideas I came up with but they affected how I filmed myself in a more than minor way. Another example would be the removal of two scenes to replace them with others as I found new locations while recording & decided they would be more intriguing than the ones I had came up with on the fly. Other changes to the film mostly came from editing as I initially thought from the audio of the music alone that the movie would be to long so I cut back on some scenes in the initial storyboard, but after editing a bit I realized that it would be shorter than I thought s

Lighting In Film

 For the lighting, I've decided to go natural & use a bright sunny day as most of my lighting. This use of the sun for natural light not only makes the film feel more natural, the type of bright lighting can also signify the peace & serenity. This is they type of mood I want to capture so using the sun's natural light only makes sense to use it for most of the film when portraying the light side of Isaiah. This lighting was edited a little though to help bring out more vibrance within the film. Use of Natural Light This type of lighting isn't present throughout the entire film as both through weather conditions, & editing, the ladder half of the film features a darker more ominous lighting. This portion of the movie opener portraying the darker side of Isaiah being barely lit helps the viewer catch on with ideas being portrayed without speaking no words. Though I have no current footage from this section, i've heavily prepared for it and I hope these efforts

Group (Solo) Dynamics

 For the most part everything has been fine working alone. I've done most of the work that i've scheduled for my self on time & recording has been very simple for the most part. Even editing hasn't been much of a struggle since I do give myself a lot of time to edit before I record again. I think with my current operating schedule, i'll have what I need for the movie opener done on time. While I initially planned for someone to help with camera work, they lack access to the areas i'd like to record in, so for the most part it's me & a steady tripod doing the camera work. Everything else i've also worked on by myself which at times, can feel tedious but for the most part I don't mind it. If there's anything i've felt really challenged by is the lack of a cameraman to help with the movement as it's ultimately resulted in most of the scenes being static shots whereas I planned for some of them to feature movement. Nonetheless i've pu