
Showing posts from February, 2024


 The representation in this film is somewhat in a fair balance between a realistic portrayal & stereotypical with Isaiah being a somewhat basic idea of what someone who is deaf might act. However I do hope that when playing the role of Isaiah, I am able to capture how outside of his deafness & bipolar personality, he lives a completely normal life making him more relatable as a character. As for his bipolar disorder i've yet to come up with any sort of representation in that matter. While I have seen in games & in movies how people with a bipolar disorder people are represented, I do still need to research more on this topic as I feel I lack the knowledge to best represent someone with a bipolar disorder in the role I am condemned to play. Isaiah isn't necessarily a character that challenges any forms of representation. He plays into the isolated or "different" person role and is more welcome to these generalizations but he plays into a more unique scenari

Supporting Characters

 Keeping it short, there are no supporting characters in this movie opener. This has resulted mostly from the fact that I am working almost entirely on this film by myself (with maybe some help with camera work) but also simply because of the narrative. This movie opener is meant to capture Isaiah's character and how he interacts with the world, but it's also supposed to capture his isolation due to his unique circumstances so as a result, i've decided not to have any characters beside Isaiah to be featured in the film to better capture this idea. However there are still devices that can be used to develop Isaiah's character in the same way a side/supporting character would such as props. The main two props that serve to develop Isaiah and the movie opener's directive are a notebook and headphones. These props serve to display Isaiah's character in a way that is obvious to the viewer but still a bit discreet about his true intentions.

Main Character: Isaiah

  Isaiah My main character is a 15 y/o guy named Isaiah, he is a deaf person who likes to write, wether it be about his day, his personal life or something else, he carries a notebook with him to write with. Though he is not able to hear any music he wears headphones not only to stoke his imagination of what it's like to hear but also because he likes the wear them to usually signify his deaf status. He's usually a nice person but he has a bipolar nature and usually flips into a more violent & malevolent behavior when alone or even in some cases around others. This further isolates him from others which doesn't bother him but when he's in this anger filled state he is bothered by the fact that he is deaf. This character i've created is mostly from my imagination, most features like his age and other physical features are just based on my own personal features since I will play the role of Isaiah. Other features like his deafness and bipolar nature are things i&#


  Costume For the most part the costuming of the main character Isaiah will be very basic by nature. I've decided for the movie opener to wear a white shirt, black pants, & white shoes as well as headphones I will wear. These clothing choices are meant to contrast with each other to further portray the contrasting nature of Isaiah's inner dilemma shown through the bright white of the shoes and shirt contrasting the dark black of the headphones and pants. Though I previously envisioned different color clothings one notable color being beige, I settled with these clothing choices from the sheer accessibility I have to this array of clothing. As mentioned before I will also use props like a notebook & a pen, to write down something. These being the clothing of the main character I hope that these design choices I've made portray the character in the narrative I expect 

Preparing To Film

Challenges For the most part I have not faced any challenges in preparing my filming, the only major issue is the clothing of the main character Isaiah as I originally thought of him wearing a beige color of clothing but as I no longer own any beige clothing I’ll need to improvise before starting to film. Aside from finding a different costume than originally planned most if not all other necessities needed for filming have been aquired. Unchallenging Most of the setup I need for the film opener has been easy and required little to no effort, I have everyday access to the locations needed for filming, I have a tripod and someone to help with filming scenes and I have the props and music needed for the film prepared and ready. My iPhone should be able to capture all my scenes in a quality that will not diminish the story so that will serve as my main recording device and apps like CapCut and Alight Motion which I have done prior editing on will be what I use to implement music, foley so

Initial Movie Opener Storyboard

 Storyboard These three images are the story board I have created for my movie board. This story board includes not only the character's name that I have finally come up with (Isaiah) but also the actions he takes throughout the film. One thing I failed to capture in this storyboard however was the video graphics that portray Isaiah's emotions. I was unable to think of any at the time of creating this storyboard but I hope through the creation process I am able to feel what I envision the character feeling in during the filming process. Overall the drawings might be a bit confusing to others but I believe it can be understood on a base level especially with the notes given underneath on how each shot should be portrayed. I think this storyboard helped me better develop how I want the movie opener to go and has also provided me with visual representation if I ever forget parts of the film.